扶轮代理!徳国原产 MCFK 前叉涨芯 竖管 自行车花心,超轻量11克

  • 扶轮代理!徳国原产 MCFK 前叉涨芯 竖管 自行车花心,超轻量11克
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:231
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 608
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:
  • 货号:c5a51b9b1d5
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家wgycn




Unobtrusively good. 
Once you have installed out super lightweight expander, it performs its function unobtrusively and soft on the steering tube and applies highest clamping force. 
It is suitable for all fork shaft materials – carbon, aluminium or steel. 
Despite the low weight, it comes with a high-stability M10 fine thread clamp with 8mm hexagon socket and ensures a long service life of the expander. 
Our expander is the perfect match to your ahead cap and therefore it is available either individually or as a set with cap.
Material:Aluminium 7075 T6
Steering Tube Inner-diameter:23,5 – 25,8 mm
Range of use:unlimited
Max. Driver weight:unlimited
color:black and red
Weight:13 g incl. screw










Operating instructions

You have made the right choice. Your new Mcfk
expander can be used on all types of 1 1/8-inch
fork shafts and has been designed and manufactured according to latest and most efficient methods.
This includes special features that must be considered for installation.
Tighten the clamping screw of the expander
in the steering tube tomaximum15Nm(Aluminium steering tube), or 7,5 Nm (Carbon
steering tube) If the manufacturer of the fork 
shaft specifies a lower tightening torque, 
that lower torque applies. 
Tighten the screw of the ahead cap to not 
more than 4 Nm.
To ensure safe clamping, carefully remove all grease from the steering tube 
and the expander before installation.
Make sure not to exceed the specified 
tightening torques. The M10 fine thread clamp is optimized for high clamping force and no-slip installation in the tube. If you overtighten, you will 
damage the steering tube (even if you 
cannot see the damage) and this is a 
major safety risk for you and other riders.


